
Monday, September 14, 2009

Memory Lane~

I just love this photo of the "Greeks" That is my mom on the bottom with the white blouse and scarf...So darling.They have always been such a close knit family and I love how happy they all look here!

Top left~My Ya Ya- Thia Mary-Sister in law Mary-Uncle Mike-Uncle Pete-My Mom-Thia Teresa- Uncle Angelo.


Anonymous said...

What a great picture Karen! I just love the "Greeks" they are the best! I have many wonderful memories and I will cherish them Forever!

Love you all!
Love Lindsay

Ellsworth Party of Four said...

I love old photos...old hair...old clothes. I think I was born in the wrong generation...I could have sported a GREAT buuble flip!

Sarah said...

I can't believe how much Sara looks like your mom. How special!