So I sit still.... and my thoughts pour out. Random and real as they are
*I miss Chloe! We used to talk about our favorite song that day, what purple pen we liked, reality TV shows,Bonnie Hunt and who has the best fountain diet coke. Please hurry home! There is a Chloe sized hole in my heart these days. Your Thia loves you......
*Dannon "light & fit" Blackberry yogurt is the bomb.
*Travis and Ashlyn's sweet friends had the cutest baby girl "Addilyn" this week. I keep opening the photos and just staring at her. She is sooo darling and they are just the cutest little family. There is nothing sweeter than a new baby straight from the lap of a loving God.
*Speaking of Ashlyn, this sweet daughter of mine is so precious. She sent Steve and I the kindest email this week and I will keep it forever. She has the craziest week with her events but in the midst of all she does, she took time out to write us a darling note. Just another thing I adore about her. She truly has become the daughter I have always prayed for.
*My house is too clean and too quiet without Chad
*The very best way to clean the microwave is to put a bowl of water inside and turn on for 5 minutes. Let it sit and steam, and then wipe it clean.
*I only use black pens in my checkbook. Weird but I really dislike blue ink.
*The people at work make fun of me because I wont buy my stamps there. We only sell the 'bells' and they are so ugly. So I drive to the post office to get cute love ones.My mom was the same way,she would NOT mail a Christmas card without Christmas stamps.(and she would very carefully pick out her favorite design) So I blame it on my upbringing.
What's on your mind today? Drop a line in my comments . I would love to know...
Smiles and hugs Karen
Karen, I am the same way... Sometimes I really don't have anything to post other than random thoughts. Just a few minutes ago I saved my draft (for the second time today) because I don't know exactly what to post.
I will give Clo lots of hugs for you this weekend. She is so sweet- she has the whole visit planned out already :)
Thanks for the microwave tip!
Oh, and I am with you on the stamps. The USPS has so many cute options :)
That I got stood up not once but twice today! Not faults of any one just life but dang the second time I was just about ready to punch someone!
I don't want to see my RE anymore
I love my hubby and I'm sorry he's sick!
I really would love a scoop of chocolate chip in a waffle cone from Baskin Robbins :)
Some of my random thoughts!
I am so clueless. I thought that was kind of the point of a blog. Random thoughts to share. Sometimes they have an origin--birthdays, weddings, graduations--but I like that blogs are more like a real conversation. What's on your mind? What do other people think about that? (Which means they need to comment. Ahem.) I like the blogs that wander all the place, just like the talks I have with friends.
Thanks for all the cute thoughts and ideas. I must comment about the stamps...I could never send a Christmas card without a Christmas stamp! I could never send a cute card or note to someone without a cute stamp (I usually use "Love" stamps) AND equally as important, I could never send a bill with a cute stamp on has to be an ugly kind like the "bell" stamps, the gas company for sure isn't worthy of a "Love" stamp!! Now comes the saddest part of this story...when Kami and Brent got married the new "Love" stamps weren't out yet (scheduled to arrive at the post office on June 10th, they were married June 14th so of course the invitations had to be out long before the 10th), they were out of the old "Love" stamps and so all I had to choose from were either Frank Sinatra or the bell stamps. It was such a tramatic ordeal, I almost started crying in the post office, I really upset the poor postal clerk who assured me "no one will notice" (yeah, right!)...anyway, I finally chose the bell stamps but to make a devastating situation even more devastating, I then learned I HAD to put TWO stamps on every envelope...Oh my gosh...TWO bell stamps on my darling daughter's wedding invitations!! I almost made Kami and Brent postpone their wedding date until July so we could get the new "Love" stamps on June 10th!! Well I want you to know that I had THREE of my close friends comment on my bell stamps saying they were "shocked" that it just "wasn't like me", I wanted to go hit that postal clerk!!
As much as I'm sad that your baby is gone, I am glad to hear Chaddy pants is back in SD! I'll keep a look out when I have my OB-tastic wknds! I hope you are doing great!!!! Also, can you tell me how to do the "Blogs you might enjoy" thing???
Oh i love you. stopping by for a quick hello......and to let you know...we did receive a bell stamp on the letter you sent us...i'mjustsayin'... ;)
I dislike having to mail anything, so I always figure I should send the ugliest stamp possible. Of course, I only mail out bills, letters to the IRS (they have a thing for me), and odd and sundry others. And, I only stand in line at the post office once a year--to mail my taxes at the last possible minute. Although, I have to admit, getting a pretty card with an ugly stamp seems wrong, so I guess I get that.
Oh dear Nancy, we are truly kindred spirits! Only you could totally relate to my postal quandary. I almost bought the new love stamps today that are beige because they are so cute but they are worth 54 cents because they are for wedding invites. I actually contemplated spending the extra just to have the really pretty ones. And miss Ash it was your bell stamp that started this whole thing. I just hated using it and everyone was saying you would never notice. did! so my point is made. I think Kenny is right, I have too much time on my hands and I need to volunteer at a soup kitchen. I am so grateful for friends who understand my craziness. I love you all...
I like the white background. Actually, WE like the new background. Casey said all the best bloggers have a white background.
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