
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tossing My Junk!

I am starting the New Year off with a confession. I am addicted to the show Hoarders! I have it set up to DVR so I make sure not to miss a single episode. And it takes ALL the willpower available not to jump up during commercials and start filling a trash bag. I first heard about people who cant throw things away on Oprah. And I was intrigued. But then they started the series on A&E where they feature two families every week and it is riveting! It has turned out to be a therapeutic show for me. I am very sentimental and even though I don't like junk,I tend to save too many mementos.I also have jeans in almost every size.

Well I used too!


After last weeks episode I called The Salvation Army to come the next day. I had four bags of clothes and shoes to give away. I also threw away at least five bags of trash.The night Sandy came and spent the night we watched an episode together. I literally grabbed a bag and started tossing while she was here. "Sandy do I need this" "Sandy would you keep this" And every time she said NO it went in the bag. I even got extra large red bags from Target this season so I can use a big bag and not be able to see what's inside headed to the trash and question myself. I now have the opposite compulsion I call "Tossing My Junk" I signed up for a great new online calendar at "" & I LOVE it! You print a monthly calendar and each day it gives you little ideas of things to do to simplify your life. While Lindsay was here over New Years I threw out a bunch of gadgets from my kitchen drawer. Too funny cause on January 8 the calendar says "let go of some cookie cutters" Not even knowing that was coming up I tossed at least 8 in the trash.Who would ever need all those cookie cutters? Some other ideas the calendar shares are, Give away some CD's ...Go through your belts...Get rid of any magazines over two months old.I have my January page printed out next to my desk and am determined to use it all year long. My house already feels better and fresher! And it feels so good to give things away. We all have too much stuff and if we are not using it why not bless someone else and give it away? So jump in and toss some junk.And promise to watch Hoarders at least once. It is fascinating TV. And if you need some help getting started call me! I LOVE to toss junk


Happy Hour...Somewhere said...

I heart that show~! I wish sometimes I could crawl into their heads and see the world the way they see it. One year after my divorce, I went on a huge purging session. Eight hours a day for 2 days in my garage. It was astonishing some of the stuff I was hanging on to. Some of the stuff I let go still kinda of bugs me...a set of encyclopedias from 1977 that I bought on my own. Go figure.

You are so right...that show will inspire you to get up and clean and declutter~!

Anonymous said...

OK, OK, I'll do it!! Tomorrow....

JoJo and Ralph said...

Well... I am the anti pack rat. I throw EVERYTHING away. My kids will say "where is my homework" and I will say "check the outside garbage." It is NO better I tell you. I have thrown away many a needed item and I am sure at least a hundred dollars in pennies. So WHY is my house a continuous disaster? UGHHHHHH

Unknown said...

I am a complete sentimental pack rat! My mom told me that when I was little, she'd find candy wrappers stuffed inside (when it would close) my headboard cabinet. Why? "Because my friend and I shared that twix and I wanted to remember!" I would say. Thankfully, I've improved since them and no longer save what the general public classifies as garbage:). I will definitely have to tune in and do some major simplifying. My house thanks you!

Melanie said...

I so needed to hear this. I have a really hard time getting rid of things, even things like ratty old t-shirts. It's just that everything has a memory of some sort attached to it. When I start to freak out, I have to remind myself what the Bible says about our earthly stuff- it will all burn eventually! Somehow that always gives me the extra push I need.

Anonymous said...

This is so funny! I went on a major 3 day cleanse of our house right before thanksgiving (Anthony just finally finished going through his pile of stuff...haha) and it was so hard to get rid of the most ridiculous stuff, and then, like you, after a few items I all of sudden got rid of everything not even caring (well as much). It feels so much better! :) Love your story! XOXO Kaitlin

Blonde Story Short said...

Good for you! When I watch Hoarders I get stressed out...rash on the chest, figity, all the symptoms! I wanna grab a trash bag too! I haven't been looking at my usual blogs lately and I've missed your's! Glad to see the new and improved page :) Hope you're doing well Thia Karen!