
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Having too much fun to blog~

My family is still here from Tennessee and we are having a blast! It's amazing to sit at lunch with your brother and cry because we are so grateful for the family that we have. All the Greeks, us four kids, our spouses & now our own kids make up what we believe is the best combination of people you could ask for! No one is ever mad at anyone for longer than a minute and we love each other unconditionally. What a rare thing! We are BLESSED indeed and we know it with all our hearts.
Just a couple snapshots to share. I will be back soon to share some funny stories and photos.

Love and giggles......Karen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I don't get to meet your brother, Dave, before I die, I will consider my life incomplete. I absolutely LOVE the picture of him on the scooter looking in the rear view mirror. HILARIOUS! Also, I'm pretty sure our family needs to start drinking (refer to pic. #1), I'm thinking it could add a whole new dimension to our "happy family"...we think we're happy now but...just imagine the possibilities. I'm so happy for all of you and that you are able to spend this time together! Happy New Year! Hey, how's the knee doing?