I have been tagged on facebook to do the 25 random things questionnaire. I seriously cant think of why anyone would want to know these 25 things? And if you read to the end you must be a really good friend. I know how much work goes into these so no pressure...but if you would like to do it too, I would read every single 25. I promise!
1- I am addicted to Ponds wipes. If I start to get low I will buy another whole box from Costco. So now I have about 10 back up packages.
2-I LOVE Mexican food way too much
3- I am very clean but not organized.
4- I will ditch housework to play at a moments notice.There is nothing more fun to me than play time.(which explains # 3)
5-I have friends who I rarely get to talk to, or spend time with because they live far away but in my heart they are some of the closest friends I have.
6-I am an over-sharer...There is not much my friends and family don't know about me.
7-I cant wait for menopause!! I am soooo over having cramps and pms. (example of #6)
8- I have never read a greeting card from my kids without crying...EVER!
9- I have a thing about purses. It is always the first section I go to in any store and my biggest shopping weakness.
10- I am super picky about hotels. I either stay somewhere really nice or would rather not go.I pack lysol spray and always cover the couch with a fresh sheet. I am on the verge of being a germaphob at any moment.
11- I am a list fanatic! I am never without a list of things to do or things to buy. But I always use cute stationery and if it looks too sloppy I will re-write it.(Yes Chloe I have written things down that were not on it just so I can cross them off)
12- I am very sentimental. My brothers always teased me that I cry at grocery store grand openings.I cry every time I hear the Star Spangled Banner and I keep every message my niece Sara leaves me until the phone company deletes it. Thankfully I saved the message my mom left on the day she died just because I thought it was so darn cute. Uncle Pete recorded it and I will now have it forever!
13-I was on the Dr Phil show in 2005 with my friends Trish and Rhonda. We even had our names on the dressing room door and were brought to the studio by limo. And he gave us $400 dollar purses!
14-I still have a nightie my Aunt Teresa gave me for my bridal shower 27 years ago.
15- If I could eat one food for the rest of my life it would be white cake with white frosting.And I could go forever without pizza.
16-I light a candle in my kitchen almost every single day. I enjoy them so much!
17- I have a terrible sense of direction. I still catch myself trying to figure out North-East-South and West by doing the "Never Eat Soggy Waffles" and turning myself around. Thanks to Travis's third grade teacher for that tip
18-I love pedicures and would probably get one every month even if I was poor.
19-I can not eat anything from Taco Bell. It gives me the worst stomach ache ever!
20-I am a true contradiction. I love to travel but love being home. I love being around people, but love to be alone.
21-I have my moms apron hanging in my kitchen and it still smells like her after three years. Sometimes I just bury my face in it and smile.
22-On every trip I have ever taken I always over pack. And I have to leave the house super clean with fresh sheets. My kids tease me that they grew up hearing "because if we die, I don't want people to think we live like pigs"
23-My best friend makes the sign of the cross every time she starts her car. And I have caught myself doing the same thing.
24-I have about 15 pairs of Old Navy pajama bottoms and every time I wear them Steve calls me "fancy pants"
25-I love to drink out of a straw. Preferably with lots and ice and a lid.