Well the time has come when I am
contemplating going private with my blog. My spam comments are out of control and I realized people from literally everywhere are reading my posts. I am such an open book and I feel a bit creeped out that people from Turkey, Cambodia, Qatar {didn't even know that was a country} Poland and all over the world can know so much about my life and family. It's such a fine line because I have met some wonderful people who came upon my blog from a friend , or maybe they just stumbled upon it and stayed.
Which I LOVE!!
Even blog "friends"are precious to my heart
I myself love to blog jump and would be sad if some of my regular spots went private? So I am thinking it over and trying to get the right advice so I make a good decision.If you would like to be given access please leave a comment with your email address and I will be sure to add it to the list. I so appreciate my readers and everyone who thinks a stop by "crazy land" to check on Karen is worth a visit.
Love you all and wish you a week filled with love and giggles!
If you go private, please add me
I am Mississippi reader and enjoy your blog.
Of courase you know I want to be added. Whatever you decide, I'm with you! cougarnana@hotmail.com
pick me pick me! kendalkathleen93@yahoo.com love you miss karen! :)
Are you kidding me??? You are my guardian angel here on Earth. I owe you my reputation and then some. Please add me. Kacilund@gmail.com
PS. Someone from Phoenix always looked at my blog from your page. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine. If you know who that is have them email me their address
PSS... Don't worry about the looky loos in Turkey or Russia it's apparently your very own FAMILY MEMBERS you need to protect yourself from ( at least in my case)
Please add me! :) wiljes322@yahoo.com
Love and miss you! xoxo
I want to stay too please.... ;)
cookiemonster_77@hotmail.com and I agree... the "creepy" people we need to really worry about are usually those we least suspect! ;)
I SO want to be added...you are like our third sister...of course we want to keep up with you and your darling family.
I want to be your friend too. I love reading your upbeat, funny posts. I will send you my e-mail to your e-mail, because I don't want any weirdo looky loos having access to my e-mail ;) I will have my mom send you my email address.
I would love to be added to your list if you go private.I love reading your blog.
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