
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Private ???

Well the time has come when I am contemplating going private with my blog. My spam comments are out of control and I realized people from literally everywhere are reading my posts. I am such an open book and I feel a bit creeped out that people from Turkey, Cambodia, Qatar {didn't even know that was a country} Poland and all over the world can know so much about my life and family. It's such a fine line because I have met some wonderful people who came upon my blog from a friend , or maybe they just stumbled upon it and  stayed.  
Which I LOVE!! 
Even blog "friends"are precious to my heart

I myself love to blog jump and would be sad if some of my regular spots went private? So I am thinking it over and trying to get the right advice so I make a good  decision.If you would like to be given access please leave a comment with your email address and I will be sure to add it to the list. I so appreciate my readers and everyone who thinks a stop by "crazy land" to check on Karen is worth a visit.

Love you all and wish you a week filled with love and giggles!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


The older you get, the sillier you get....
Great quote and I sure find it to be true!
I love nothing more than being silly , and when you throw in a few good friends it's sooooo much better! 
We had such a nice night with our friends the "Richardsons" Their son Zack {who grew up with Travis} got married a couple weeks ago and some of us were unable to make the trip to what I have heard was one heck of an amazing wedding! EVERYONE had the best time and had such gracious things to say about the gorgeous bride and groom.

So they invited us over to dinner, to see the photos and keep the celebration going. ....
We had so much fun!
Our great hosts....

I have always envied the kind of friendships that last through the years. I dreamed that one day I would have those kind of people in my life.The kind of friends who accept you just as you are and are able to see you through eyes filled with love and grace. And guess what ?
I have the friends  I always dreamed of!  With these lovely girls, my bunco family,the book babes and my precious sisters in law.....
My life is full of amazing women and I can simply be "me"  in their good company  

I loved and admired the friendships in this movie! They got through the tough parts of life because they had each other. I sure know the feeling !
It is only with the love and support of family and friends that I can even get through a day!
And to each of you I say...
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart"  
And lets not ever stop being silly! 

Friday, June 10, 2011

God is so sweet!

Today would have been my sweet momma's 80th birthday!
I woke up thinking about her so much and of course the tears began to flow....
I still miss her so so much......every single day!
This morning I was trying hard to put on a brave face and just focus on all the wonderful,happy memories we have of my precious  Mom~
So after drying my tears, I made a phone call to my Dr's office and you will never believe the music that was playing while I was on hold ?

From her all time favorite movie
" The Sound of Music"
Seriously what are the chances?
I don't believe in coincidences , I believe in miracles and this one felt like a
BIG HUG from my Mom!

The very song that she would sing to us every single night as we fell asleep!

God is sweet.....
And I am thankful that He lovingly blessed me this morning with a song and a smile ! 

Friday, June 3, 2011


My oldest brother Paul and his wife Kat have four gorgeous  boys!  They look much more Greek than any of our kids and they are just adorable.And  Hunter was the baby....
He was the last child born of my siblings and my last niece or nephew.
And now he is graduating from high school  !!
How can this be?
He was always the sweetest boy. He loved his Ya Ya so very much, loves his Greek family, and always gives the best hugs to his Auntie Karen. As a baby he had the cutest smile ever,and as you can see some things never change
Watch for him to be famous one day soon because he is an amazing dancer! We are so excited to watch him perform next  Saturday and I hope he will be able to hear us cheering for him with all our hearts
We love you so much Hunter and are so proud of you!